Sunday, June 7, 2015

Natural Herpes Cure : Homeopathy for Genital Herpes

Natural Herpes Cure : Homeopathy for Genital Herpes

Genital herpes, usually termed as Herpes Simplex Virus abbreviated as HSV, is an infection caused due to this virus. There are basically two types of HSV, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 normally affects the lips causing sores but it can also affect the genital area. However type 2 affects genital area and can also infect lips. It can be easily transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person during sex. Its main distress is that it remains in body even after treatment inactive and can get activated anyhow and anytime. According to a study in U.S. there are millions of people (from age group of children to elders) suffering from HSV type 2 from long. This calculation is enough to provide you an idea how dangerous is this infection. It is transmitted mostly during sexual intercourse from the one who is suffering from herpes eruption. It is indicative of the activation of the virus. Also it can get transmitted during oral sex. This virus affects  least by touching unusual or public objects. 

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